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Safety science

Journal Volume: 50
Journal Issue: 9
Journal Year: 2012
Articles in SafetyLit: 24

"They're lunatics on the road": Exploring the normative influences of parents, friends, and police on young novices' risky driving decisions

A study of pedestrian and bicyclist exposure to head injury in passenger car collisions based on accident data and simulations

Adolescents' risk perceptions in relation to risk behavior with long-term health consequences; antecedents and outcomes: A literature review

Analysis of the circumstances of accidents and impact of transformations on the accidents in a beverage delivery company

Automated text analysis to examine qualitative differences in safety schema among upper managers, supervisors and workers

Between a rock and a hard place: Accident and near-miss reporting on offshore service vessels

Comparing the usability and reliability of a generic and a domain-specific medical error taxonomy

Cultural and socio-demographic predictors of car accident involvement in Norway, Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda

Design of blasting pattern in proportion to the peak particle velocity (PPV): Artificial neural networks approach

Developing safer passengers through a school-based injury prevention program

Effect of spark duration on explosion parameters of methane/air mixtures in closed vessels

Effects of controller-pilot communication medium, flight phase and the role in the cockpit on pilots' workload and situation awareness

Effects of obstacles and deposited coal dust on characteristics of premixed methane-air explosions in a long closed pipe

Estimating the safety performance of urban intersections in Lisbon, Portugal

Introducing the STAMP method in road tunnel safety assessment

Multilevel approach to organizational and group safety climate and safety performance: Co-workers as the missing link

Quantitative indicator of homeostatic risk perception in car following

Road transport in drift? Applying contemporary systems thinking to road safety

Safety certification requirements for domestic robots

Safety compliance climate concerning risk assessment and preventive measures in EU legislation: A Finnish survey

Solution method of overtopping risk model for earth dams

Towards a constructivist program in safety

Trajectory variability: Road geometry difficulty indicator

Working conditions, psychological/physical symptoms and occupational accidents. Bayesian network models